
 International Journal Of Forestry Research
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 Tree Species Richness, Diversity, And Vegetation Index For Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria
Publication Authors:
 Aladesanmi D Agbelade, Jonathan C. Onyekwelu, And Matthew B. Oyun
Year Published:
This study was conducted to investigate the tree species richness and diversity of urban and periurban areas of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja, Nigeria, and produce Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for the territory. Data were collected from urban (Abuja city) and periurban (Lugbe) areas of the FCT using both semi structured questionnaire and inventory of tree species within green areas. In the study location, all trees with diameter at breast height (dbh) ? 10?cm were identified; their dbh was measured and frequency was taken. The NDVI was calculated in ArcGIS 10.3 environment using standard formula. A cumulative total of twenty-nine (29) families were encountered within the FCT, with 27 occurring in Abuja city (urban centre) and 12 in Lugbe (periurban centre) of the FCT. The results of Shannon-Wiener diversity index for the two centres are 3.56 and 2.24 while Shannon’s maximum diversity index is 6.54 (Abuja city) and 5.36 (Lugbe) for the urban (Abuja city) and periurban (Lugbe) areas of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). The result of tree species evenness (Shannon’s equitability () index) in urban and periurban centres was 0.54 and 0.42, respectively. The study provided baseline information on urban and periurban forests in the FCT of Nigeria, which can be used for the development of tree species database of the territory. 
 Forest Policy And Economics
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 Access Of Rural Women To Forest Resources And Its Impact On Rural Household Welfare In North Central Nigeria
Publication Authors:
 A.G. Adedayo M.B.Oyun O.Kadeba
Year Published:
This study examined access of rural women to forest resources and its impact on rural household welfare in North Central Nigeria. Three states out of 6 states in the study area were purposively selected to cover 3 ethnic groups. A state was selected to cover at least one ethnic group. 4 villages were randomly selected in each state to make a total of 12 sample villages. Primary data were collected through structured questionnaire from 20 randomly selected rural women in each sample village to make a total of 240 respondents. Interview schedule was used to get information from 3 key informants in each sample village. The results of the study showed that rural women have restricted access to the exploitation of firewood and forest fruits on communal and family lands in the study area. They however have free and independent access to exploit fodder among the 3 ethnic groups while rural women have free access to exploit snails and mushrooms among the Yoruba ethnic groups in the study area. Chi-square test (p < 0.05) shows that a significant association exists between total income earned by rural women and the income they earned from the exploitation of forest resources in the study area. This means that if the access of rural women to the exploitation of forest resources in the study area is improved, income earned by rural women will also increase. The results further showed that the impacts of the access of rural women to the exploitation of forest resources on rural household welfare include provisions of income, food and medicinal materials as well as money rural women spent on their children's education, health care and household feeding. 
 African Journal Of Plant Science
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 Influence Of Watering Regime And Mycorrhizae Inoculations On The Physiology And Early Growth Of Acacia Senegal (L.) Wild
Publication Authors:
 M. B. Oyun1, S. A. Adeduntan And S. A. Suberu
Year Published:
Acacia senegal is endowed with features that give it potentials for ecosystem stabilization, anti-desertification and for production of high quality gum-Arabic. However, the natural population which is becoming low has been traced to poor seed germination and seedling survival. The influence of watering regime and mycorrhiza inoculation on some physiological parameters and early growth of A. senegal in the semi arid region of Nigeria was investigated. Inoculated seedlings had higher stem growth, chlorophyll content and leaf number than those without inoculation. Also, seedlings that were watered twice per week had higher stem growth and leaf number than those that were watered daily and once per week. The stomata conductance of Acacia seedlings was best for seedling batch that were watered twice weekly without mycorrhiza inoculation and also when inoculated with ectomycorrhiza. However with endomycorrhiza, the seedling batch that received weekly watering had the highest conductance while it was least in the seedling batch that received daily watering. The same trend was observed for the xylem pressure potential. At 16 weeks after planting, seedlings that were watered once weekly wilted irrespective of whether they were inoculated or not. Mycorrhizae inoculation of A. senegal seedlings combined with twice weekly watering in the semi arid region of Nigeria will be appropriate for healthy and good seedling performance in the nursery. 
 International Journal Of Biological And Chemical Sciences
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 Prescribed Burning And Its Effect On Plant Biomass And Species Diversity In Savanna Ecosystem, Sokoto, Nigeria
Publication Authors:
 MB Oyun, AD Isah
Year Published:
Three burning regime (fire protected, early burning, late burning) and their effects on plant biomass and species diversity in Dabagi forest Reserve of Sokoto State were investigated. Prescribed burning was carried out on randomly selected plots (10 m x 10 m) in November (early burn) and March (late burn) 2004. The design of experiment was a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and the burning treatments were replicated three times. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance. The diversity index of the shrubs species was higher (P 
 Journal Of Applied Sciences
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 Chemical Characterization Of Selected Tree Legumes As Indices For Their Litter Quality
Publication Authors:
 M.B. Oyun
Year Published:
Leaf pruning from several legume species: Gliricidia sepium, Cajanus cajan, Albizia zygia, Albizia ferruginea, Leuceena leucocephala, Dalbergia latifolia, Acacia auriculiformis were analysed for some critical litter quality indices such as total carbon, nitrogen, lignin and polyphenols. Total C was estimated as 50% of its ash free dry weight and total N was determined by Kjeldahl method while lignin content was determined from the acid detergent fibre. The polyphenol content was extracted in 70% aqueous acetone after initial depigmentation with diethyl ether containing 1% acetic acid and determined as tannic acid equivalent using Folin Ciocalteu reagent. Total C ranged from 42.8% in Albizia zygia to 49.6% in Acacia auriculiformis while N ranged from 3.9% in Acacia and Albizia ferruginea to 4.8% in Gliricidia sepium. Gliricidia had the lowest polyphenol content (2.3%) while Acacia contained the highest value (7.7%). The lignin content varied from 23.9% in Gliricidia to 49.7% in A. Auriculiformis. Based on the leaf chemical constituents, Gliricidia sepium was rated as high quality litter while Acacia auriculiformis was rated as low quality litter. 
 Journal Of Biological Sciences
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 Nitrogen Storage And N-Use Efficiency Of Maize As Influenced By Litter Quality And Placement Methods
Publication Authors:
 M.B. Oyun
Year Published:
Abstract: Nitrogen storage and N-use efficiency as influenced by litter quality and placement method was in investigated in nutrient deficient soil in Akure. Mixed fresh pruning of Gliricidia sepium (high quality) and Acacia auriculiformis (low quality) were mixed at varying proportion of 100:0 (Gliricidia: Acacia proportion); 80:20; 60:40; 40:60; 20:80; 0:100 and 0:0 (control) to simulate litter of varying quality. The mixed litter were mulched (above ground) or incorporated (below ground) around maize planted at an escapement of 90 x 30 cm (between and within rows). Maize plants were harvested at 4 weeks after planting (4 WAP); 6 WAP and 8 WAP and analysed for dry matter, N storage and N-use efficiency in the root, stem and the leaf. N storage by maize was improved with the application of various proportions of leaf residues and was significantly (p 
 American Journal Of Agricultural And Biological Sciences
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 Microbial Population In Decomposing Legume Litter Of Differing Quality
Publication Authors:
 M. B. Oyun, F. C. Akharayi And F. C. Adetuyi
Year Published:
The influence of litter quality on microbial population during decomposition of fresh pruning of Acacia auriculiformis; Gliricidia sepium and Acacia mixed with Gliricidia (50 : 50) is reported. Acacia (soluble C, 46.6%; N, 3.9%; Phenolic, 2.3%) was rated as low quality litter while Gliricidia (soluble C, 45.2%; N, 4.8%; Phenolic, 2.3%) was rated as high quality litter. Acacia mixed with Gliricidia (50 : 50) had an initial phase of rapid decomposition followed by a second phase of comparatively lower decomposition rate. Acacia litter showed only a single phase of decomposition. Bacteria population increased linearly with nutrient content that was immobilized during decomposition, while fungal population varied more with litter type than with different phases of decomposition. Generally, the bacteria population isolated from Acacia-Gliricidia mixture was highest, followed by Gliricidia while it is lowest in Acacia, however more fungal population were isolated from Acacia litter than Gliricidia litter in all the phases of decomposition. 
 American Journal Of Agricultural And Biological Science
Publication Type:
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 Allelopathic Potentialities Of Gliricidia Sepium And Acacia Auriculiformis On The Germination And Seedling Vigour Of Maize (Zea Mays L.)
Publication Authors:
 M.B. Oyun
Year Published:
• Decline in crop yield in cropping and agroforestry system in recent years has been attributedto allelopathic effects. Plants may favourably or adversely affect other plants through allelochemicals,which may be released directly or indirectly from live or dead plants. The objective of this study wasto examine and quantify the nature of interference of leaf leachates of Gliricidia sepium and Acaciaauriculiformis on seed germination and seedling vigour of maize and to identify morphological trait forallelopathic interference assessment of maize seedlings. Leaf leachates of both Gliricidia and Acaciasignificantly decreased germination percentage and increased mean germination time (P 
 Journal Of Applied Sciences
Publication Type:
Publication Title:
 Nitrogen Release Patterns Of Mixed Gliricidia Sepium And Acacia Auriculiformis Leaves As Influenced By Polyphenol, Lignin And Nitrogen Contents
Publication Authors:
 M.B. Oyun, O. Kadeba And V.A. Aletor
Year Published:
A field decomposition experiment was conducted for 120 days during the rainy season. Mixed leaf proportions of Gliricidia sepium (high quality litter i.e., high N, low lignin, low polyphenol) and Acacia auriculiformis (low quality litter i.e., high N, high lignin, high polyphenol) were placed in polyvinyl litter bags at 100 g bag-1. This was to evaluate the sensitivity of the quality of legume litter as predictor of the rate of decomposition and N release. The legume polyphenol concentration was significantly correlated with N release at the early stage of decomposition (8 days) (R2 = 0.619; p