Forestry & Wood Technology


To be eligible for the award of B.Tech deegree in food science and technology a student must have:

a. passed all core (compulsory) courses as well as all university and school required courses and electives recommended for specialization;

b.accumulated at least 202 units for students admitted through UTME and 168 units for those by direct entry, and obtained a CGPA of not less than 1.00; and

c. successfully completed all class work; industrial attachment, seminars and projects.

as part of the programme, students visit industries and take part in the Long Vacation industrial Practical Work Scheme (usually in the second semesters of 200 and 300 levels)to enable them reconcile therotical knowledge with what obtain in the industries and farms. in the second semester of the 400 levels (4th year), they also go on a six-month students industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) in a food industry.

Direct entry students are expected to audit and pass the following University required courses: GNS101, 102, 103 and 106; MEE 101 and 102.