Forestry & Wood Technology

Academic Programmes PDF Print E-mail

The Undergraduate Programme

The Department runs a five-year degree programme leading to the award of Bachelor of Agricultural Technology (B. Agric. Tech.) degree in Forestry and Wood Technology. The first year of the programme is devoted to the teaching of basic science courses such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, etc. These courses are taught by other Departments in the University. During the second year of the degree programme, students are taught General Agriculture courses. These cut across all Departments within the School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology. The remaining three years of the undergraduate programme are used to teach general and specialised courses in Forestry and Wood Technology. Students The programme integrates academic work with a tremendous measure of practical training, including attachment to relevant industries and organisations for more practical orientation during the second semester in the fourth year of study. The major courses taught at the undergraduate level include:

  • Silviculture
  • Agroforestry
  • Forest Measurements
  • Wood Science and Technology
  • Forest Economics and Management
  • Environmental Forestry.

The Graduate Programmes

The graduate programmes of the Department are designed to train highly skilled manpower in the science and technology of forest resources management and utilisation. The programme is geared towards extending the frontiers of forestry education and scientific research with a view to increasing the benefits derived from the forest, promoting more efficient forest management and utilisation and protecting environmental values. At the graduate level, the following programmes are offered: